Why sustainability? Because it is our responsibility
As a leading company in C4 chemistry, we are already enabling sustainability today and thus driving the transformation of the petrochemical value chain.
Evonik Oxeno assumes responsibility for its business, its employees, the environment and the wider society. For us, acting responsibly and economic success belong together. We rather see sustainability as an opportunity for our business, which is heavily built on collaboration along the whole value chain. We also believe, that sustainability strives for change and requires creative drive, which is why sustainability can only succeed with forward-thinking and passionate people. And last but not least, as sustainability is a marathon and not a sprint, it requires perseverance and will with a healthy portion of pragmatism to successfully support and enable the transformation towards a better future. By becoming more sustainable, we create value for our customers, e.g. by contributing to their Scope 3 goals or meeting their requirements for bio, bio-circular or circular products.

That is why we have anchored the topic accordingly in our vision: "Chemistry4Future – We increase the value of C4Chemicals sustainably". With our innovative and sustainable ideas and solutions we will shape the future of C4 chemicals together with our partners. Following this understanding of sustainability, we have derived our goals and built our strategy.
At Evonik Oxeno, we are aware of our responsibility for the environment and society and set ourselves ambitious sustainability goals. For example, we work closely with our suppliers and look for alternative raw materials with an improved CO2 footprint in order to reduce our raw material emissions, which dominate our carbon footprint. We plan to reduce our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 40% by 2032 compared to 2022. For example, we are focusing on heat integration and switching to green electricity to reduce our direct emissions. Our ultimate goal is to achieve a Net Zero network by 2050 at the latest and to offer a 100% sustainable product portfolio.
We are aware that Product Carbon Footprints (PCFs) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) data are becoming increasingly important and therefore systematically collect primary data from our suppliers. By 2032, we aim for 100% primary data coverage. We can already provide high-quality sustainability data for 100% of our product portfolio based on an externally certified life cycle assessment model. We are committed to doing our part towards a sustainable future and are working consistently to achieve our sustainability goals. The basis for this is our sustainability strategy with its four strategic levers #OPTIMIZE, #INNOVATE, #COLLABORATE and #WEnable.

#OPTIMIZE focusses on the improvement of our production network with the Marl and Antwerp sites as well as our supply chain. This includes aspects such as raw material portfolio optimization (e.g. via the use of ISCC Plus mass-balanced raw materials), greening our energies & utilities as well as continuously increasing the efficiency of our production processes.

#INNOVATE focuses on the development and implementation of disruptive technologies, the further development of our product portfolio and the increased use and support through digitalization in order to continue to be a reliable partner along the value chain in the future.

#COLLABORATE acknowledges that sustainability is nothing you can achieve without collaboration and joining forces. That is why we maintain a strong network with various stakeholders along the C4 value chain, which we are constantly expanding. This includes, for example, our involvement in industry and trade associations.

#WEnable forms the bracket around everything that is needed on the Oxeno side to ensure effective and efficient sustainability management. In addition to motivated and committed employees, this also includes the right processes and tools.
Mass balance approach - C4Chemicals