Your experts for a C4-based production network
In the C4-based chemical field we guarantee the highest product quality for more than 50 years. With this background, we have established a cross-site production network which is unique worldwide.
We operate two integrated production sites in Marl and Antwerp
At our two sites in Marl, Germany and Antwerp, Belgium, we operate coordinated and integrated production networks. As the main raw material, crack C4 is present at the beginning of the value chain. This is obtained when crude oil is “cracked.”
We are technology leader in C4-Chemistry
Our integrated C4-technology platform features excellent exploitation of the raw materials: All the hydrocarbons present in crack C4 are used to create products. This saves resources and increases cost effectiveness.
Both production sites were expanded significantly in 2015. In our C4 plant in Marl, we also introduced a new and innovative procedure, which is unique world wide. The technology enables us now to process substance flows from the fluid-catalytic-cracking processes (FCC). With this innovation, we have cemented further our position as technology leader.
Due to the outstanding technical properties and high effectiveness of ITDA, global demand has been growing for years. We have reacted to the changing market conditions and expanded our production capacity high-purity C13 alcohol isotridecanol (ITDA) at the Marl Chemical Park accordingly. Get more information in our press release: ITDA capacity expansion.
Worldwide unique usage of FCC-C4 improves raw material supply
Performance Intermediates (PI) is the only producer worldwide who - in addition to applying Steam Cracker based “Crude C4” - can also make use of an unique raw material from refineries: Fluid Catalytic Cracking based “FCC-C4” . Follow the link and find moren information about PI intelligent production network. Here you can get more information about our FCC-C4 expansion.
For the use of FFC-C4 researchers have now been awarded
AND the Evonik Innovation PRIZE goes to...
Thanks to a special purification process Evonik is the only company worldwide that can use FCC C4 from refineries as feedstock for the production of in-demand industrial chemicals. Read more!