Performance Intermediates launches on YouTube
We have been communicating very successfully on social networks for some time now. A growing number of followers is tracking our activities on LinkedIn. With our recently initiated YouTube playlist as part of the Evonik YouTube channel, we are now about to take the next step.
On the platform, customer and other interested parties can find out about our markets, products and processes through informative and entertaining videos. “With our own YouTube playlist, we are simply going to where our customers, suppliers, employees, and future applicants already are,” emphasizes Simone Groß, head of Pricing & eMarketing.
Today, more than two thirds of the total information in social media is consumed in the form of videos. “Even in our activities on platforms such as YouTube or LinkedIn, we never lose sight of the requirements of our customers,” says Groß. “We make Chemistry4People and we are creating the future of C4Chemistry together with our customers.” Digital media are now an integral component of our marketing.