Driving a car & Caring for the environment
Depending on the driving style, a petrol engine runs ~190,000 miles (~300,000 kilometers) on average before the engine needs serious technical repair. Wow, you could drive ~7.5 times around the globe with your car– if there was a consistent road – before it breaks down.
Depending on the driving style, a petrol engine runs ~190,000 miles (~300,000 kilometers) on average before the engine needs serious technical repair. Wow, you could drive ~7.5 times around the globe with your car– if there was a consistent road – before it breaks down.
How is that possible? Let's find out what boosts the lifetime of your car:
- Regular oil changes and changes of small parts (e.g. spark plugs), regular checks and a gentle style of driving.
- Development & use of higher quality materials, with increased durability.
- Road quality & fuel types!
There you go, we met already: every time you refuel your car!
Gasoline fuels include MTBE (Methyl tert-butyl ether), an anti-knocking agent & octane rating booster.
Great, but what does that mean?
If the fuel burns uncontrolled, it makes a loud sound called “knockings”. The higher the octane rating, the lower the chances for a quicker deterioration & potential quick overheating of the engine.
Improved combustion of fuels in the engine significantly reduce the emission of harmful exhaust gases.
In this way, MTBE increases fuel efficiency & the engine lifetime and contributes to improved air quality. #RESPECT!
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